Women tell Women

What it means to be patient in your career?

— Katie McCurdy

Patience in your career can mean a lot of things. But I think patience with yourself is ultimately the most important because it’s an aspect only you can control. You can choose to be patient with yourself, your work, and others. Patience is not easy, it’s a practice. 

Patience only works if you trust yourself and you surrender to the process of learning and evolving. Every path is going to be different. It’s common to compare yourself to others and think of where you could be but I believe you’re exactly where you should be even if it looks different than expected. If you stay open to possibilities and truly put energy and love into your career, you’ll start to see the forward path. It’s easy to become frustrated but we can only control how we move forward, so why use that energy to be discouraged when we can use it to learn, grow, or pivot? 

Patience changes as you evolve in your career. If you’re lucky you’ll always be patient with yourself, and when you finally have a win, it will feel amazing. And then you’ll become patient for the next thing and so on. So be patient and trust yourself. 

Katie McCurdy –

Katie McCurdy is a photographer and director dividing her time between New York City and Los Angeles, where she creates vibrant and expressive images that are both playful and earnest. Katie uses her pared-back approach to cultivate an immediate rapport with her subjects, to capture authentic, intimate images that champion a timeless & ageless beauty. Through her sensitive, yet strong, portraiture, she erases the distance between subject and viewer — presenting both celebrities and strangers in an immediately intimate way. 
