Women tell Women

How to trust your own decisions?

— Kelsey Wisdom

Repetition. Like any relationship, our relationship with ourselves and building trust in our decisions comes with a lot of practice. It’s a muscle that needs to be flexed again and again until you can walk the high beam and trust that you know how to stick the landing. 

From my experience, getting clear on what you truly want vs. what you think you should want is the first area of discovery. One of my dear friends calls this the Tyranny of Shoulds. Begin with observation – do you use that should language? Do you act from a place of obligation? From someone else’s vision or expectation for your life? I’ve held tight to Glennon Doyle’s discovery that “no one else in the world knows what I should do. Not even the folks that love me the most. Because no one has ever lived or will ever live this life I am attempting to live, with my gifts and challenges and past and people. Every life is an unprecedented experiment. This life is mine alone. So I have stopped asking people for directions to places they’ve never been.” 

Making decisions you love requires courage with a capital C. Allow for time to get to know yourself – your dreams, your fears, your deepest desires. Write them down.  Revisit them every so often to see if your answers have changed (because they might, and that is okay!). Once you’ve taken some time to dream big, to dare to entertain a vision for your life that feels too miraculous to be true, consider that it is all possible (read that again). As you slowly make your way towards your new vision, you will know whether your decisions are in alignment with that vision or not. Be wary of inaction as your enemy. Hold on to that courage with everything you’ve got. As Julia Cameron says in “The Artist Way”: “Leap and the net will appear.” With every leap, more trust is on the other side. 

Kelsey Wisdom –
Brand Strategist

Kelsey Wisdom is a global interdisciplinary artist and a brand strategist. Her past work includes collaborations with brands like Tory Burch, Dior, Vogue, UNUM, Inc., Google and Rotary International. The spaces through which she co-creates range from fashion to experiential design, technology to hospitality, professional development to the culinary arts. At the center of everything she does, her focus is to reacquaint feeling with design to inspire more connection in the world. 
